Michael Lax sought a second opinion on Cholangiocarcinoma at UCSF after his previous doctors deemed his case inoperable

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Michael Lax was Inoperable and sought a second opinion

Foreword on Article by Steve Holmes

Michael Lax was Inoperable and sought a second opinion. He had an open mind and a willingness to overcome the status quo. Michael found Kate Kelly and her team that specialised in Cholangiocarcinoma.
Increase Your Chances of Succeeding!
Patient’s Recommendation Number ONE = Engage an Oncologist that specialises in Cholangiocarcinoma:
Michaels story underpins why it is so so important to engage a medical team that understands and specialises in Cholangiocarcinoma. 

Regards your fellow Cholangio Crusader

Cholangiocarcinoma Australia is a Centralised Hub by patients and caregivers for Patients and Caregivers.
A sharable informational resource that connects and empowers.
“Better decision making options equals Better Outcomes”, regenerating patients purpose, direction and momentum – Saving lives.
Steve & Claire Holmes


With cancer in his bile duct, Michael Lax sought a second opinion at UCSF after his previous doctors deemed his case inoperable. After undergoing surgery at UCSF, Lax is now cancer free.